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Have you ever attended an event that completely bore you? You probably wished you were somewhere else since the room was cold and the chairs were unpleasant. The speaker drone on, reading off note cards, or blank PowerPoint slides, while everyone waited in awkward silence for the next question. The microphone was passed from audience member to audience member.
We’ve probably all had similar experiences, but it doesn’t have to be that way. So we created this blog to help out.
Physical events have a certain appeal because nothing beats face-to-face connection. A presentation is the best way to show off your business. The audiences can learn a great deal by simply listening to the speaker. Genuine and authentic communication can deliver high emotions and positive connections to your business. But, with all of that stated, audience engagement at physical events still have lots of room for improvement.
Audience members who are more engaged contribute more, learn more, and are happier. Engaging your audience is essential if you want them to come back to your event repeatedly. You want to have your audience thinking, feeling, and emotions essential to get them engaged. You want your audience to become a company image for your business. And you surely want your audience to come back and bring all their friends or colleagues to your event.
How do you go about doing it? I’ve got some great recommendations for you! Let’s look at how we can boost audience engagement at physical events.
You can’t simply walk onto the stage and hope for the best. Even the most well-known public speakers do not talk in the heat of the moment. They admit that outstanding performance demands a significant amount of effort. The more natural the stage presence appears the more effort has gone into it.
Make sure you plan ahead of time by determining your target audience. Why are they coming to the event? What might their concerns or issues be? What will people think? What do they hope to gain knowledge or experience?
Why do we work in event planning in the first place? It would help if you never lost sight of your event’s primary goal. It doesn’t matter whether it’s educational or entertaining. The individual in the audience is the one you want to impress and engage the most. The event will be a success if you can get your interaction and participation by asking questions, sharing your experience on social media, and having a good time. It will take much effort, but it will be well worth it.
So, what’s your plan? The content of speakers must be suited to the audience. When talking to college students versus professionals, you’ll use different words and convey additional information. It is easier to regulate smaller events. Strive for a smaller, more connected audience if you have the choice.
Make sure to go through the technical aspects of your speech in advance if possible.
1. Will there be time for Q&A?
2. Can you walk around and interact with the audience?
This is one of those things where you get the hang of it after a while and with effort. Ask questions if you don’t have much expertise or if you’re planning an event that takes you out of your comfort zone.
Imagine you’re an attendee at your event. Is everything clear to find and understand? Do you have a chance to say something? Is there anything worth mentioning that you’d like to share? If you can’t relax and enjoy yourself during your event, the chances are that others will as well when it comes to audience engagement that always seals people up.
The main event should be your featured speaker. You’ll want to make sure your featured speaker has some publicity, is educated about the topic they’ll be discussing, and is eager to interact with the audience. The major attraction of your event is the featured speaker, who is similar to a movie poster. They must have the perfect balance of exclusivity, knowledge, and interest. Charisma alone isn’t enough for a keynote speaker.
Before the speech, have a conversation. You’re open to different audience engagement techniques, such as surveys, bringing individuals on stage, and inserting the speaker into the crowd. The key speaker must understand what’s allowed and what’s desired. You have to provide some instructions, and a professional public speaker will take care of the rest.
Not every event or speaker needs a large stage towards the back of the room. The size of your event will determine this. Consider how you may set up the space to enhance audience participation and engagement. There are several things you can do to encourage audience participation.
Small Space – Make the things visible, effective, and easy to see and understand when using a small space. Hotel conference rooms, for example, typically have low ceilings. Extend the set to the sides or incorporate extra decoration features across the area to make a statement. This will make the space appear larger than it is. This will also help convey your message and can be used as an Instagram-worthy element to your event to increase attendance. If you’re short on room, consider placing the stage against a wall or corner to limit the amount of space the complete setup takes up.
Big Space – When it comes to big spaces, visibility is crucial. The speaker should be visible and audible to everyone. They might fade away if they don’t. If you’re still unsure, add more speakers and even monitors if necessary. Make sure the room is suitable for lengthy periods of sitting, that it is not too cold or hot and that everyone can see and hear the speaker. Consider how easy it will be for the moderator to move around the area. At all times, the microphone must be accessible.
Do you want to engage your audience? Then ask about their thoughts. A public poll can be examined in different ways. Asking a question and having audience members raise their hands in answer can be as simple. You might also have an online poll. Participants should be asked to answer online questions using hashtags on social media or a screen-projected survey.
Audience members will feel unique and more engaged with the presentation and speaker if you make them feel like their opinion matters and have an opportunity to contribute to the discussion.
When it comes to encouraging audience participation and engagement, you want to make things as simple as possible. Providing hashtags, tweetable moments, and Instagram-worthy settings is an easy way to get your audience involved. Hashtags are viral.
They seem to be searching for the ideal hashtag at all times. Furthermore, research shows that using a hashtag boosts social media engagement significantly. One of the most traceable methods to generate buzz on social media for your event is establishing and operating a distinctive hashtag. Furthermore, people may see everything shared and related to your event by simply clicking on a hashtag. It’s also a fantastic way to start a conversation and learn new things.
People will most likely browse your social media profiles while attending an event. A significant rise in social media followers is a solid sign that your event went well. But don’t forget about your new followers; nurture relationships with old attendees by engaging in regular interactions. This is a fantastic method to transform a company image that will help promote your upcoming event.
You want your audience to appreciate your event, no matter what. Improving audience engagement and participation is one of the simplest ways to boost your audience’s experience of an event. We say this simply because we’ve examined the most effective measures to increase audience engagement at physical events. I hope these recommendations help you make your next event the best one.
You now have the idea of audience engagement strategies in your hands. Ensure that anyone is searching for your event updates.
Please leave a comment below to let us know how you get on, and feel free to share. For more information, contact Corporality Club.