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As countries reopen, most events and meetings are now back onsite. However, since many have seen the benefits of going online, which includes having no geographical boundaries, many event organizers and leaders are opting for hybrid events. Hybrid events are like having the best of both worlds – the ability to have face-to-face interactions which nothing can beat anyway, and being able to invite everyone from around the globe.
However, many organizers and companies struggle with hybrid events especially with engaging both live and online audiences. According to Markletic, 71.1% of event organizers say that connecting the live and virtual audience is their biggest challenge. If you fall within this statistic, fret not. We’re here to guide you and share some skills that you need to hone in order to engage audiences in hybrid events.
You’ll need new tech skills when presenting a hybrid event. This includes organizing an online event on a platform of your choice, making effective digital advertisements for your target audience, preparing your presentations for screen viewing by your audience, and recognizing live streaming guidelines especially on social media.
We cannot overstate how crucial it is to fully comprehend the workings and capabilities of the platform you decide to employ. So make sure to choose one that suits your needs and you’re familiar with or at least set aside some time to familiarize yourself with the tools. Similar to arenas, no two platforms are the same. Think about how you want your attendees to interact and participate at your event. Do you want to engage in a live chat while watching the stream? Are you interested in interactive sessions for questions and answers or maybe 1:1 networking and matchmaking? A thorough awareness of what your platform is capable of will help you make the most of it because these alternatives maybe simple to implement or difficult to execute (or not available at all) depending on the platform you use.
Never underestimate the power of production to enhance an event’s impact on its audiences. Just think of your favorite TV show, for example the latest season of ‘Stranger Things’, it wouldn’t blow its away that much if the production is lacking. Its production, including the script, visual effects, colors and costumes used, and casting made the upside down world feel real. Similarly, a good production on a hybrid event would make both live and audiences feel connected as if they’re with each other in the same space.
To make everyone feel included, it can be useful to include interactive components for those watching from home, such as polls or live Q&A sessions. You can also provide downloadable or interactive content. Consider the materials that participants receive in person, such as pamphlets, demonstration films, information booths, etc. There is no reason virtual attendees can’t utilize these resources as well.
By enabling them to participate with almost the same degree of involvement as in-person attendees, you can demonstrate that you have thought about the experience of all attendees.
Consider the planning that goes into a live event. You’ll schedule sponsors and speakers, ensure that attendees have the tools they need to take full use of the occasion, and mentor speakers on how to communicate their thoughts effectively. Hosts of hybrid events must possess all of these abilities.
With hybrid events, sponsors and speakers are consistently scheduled, albeit in slightly different ways. You’ll need to emphasize the benefits of participation in hybrid events to sponsors who maybe less inclined to take part. Describe how their visibility will increase and how their sponsorship dollars will be used more effectively than at traditional in-person events.
Show speakers how presentations that appear immediately on dozens, hundreds, or thousands of personal screens at once can substantially benefit their ideas. Speakers may feel less pressure as a result of not having to worry about whether the entire audience will be able to view their lectures.
Time management abilities are one of the keys to organizing a successful hybrid event. You could believe that the abilities you’ve used for in-person events in the past will translate easily to hybrid events, but it’s safe to say that you’ll be on a tight timetable.
When attending events digitally, people’s attention spans are substantially shorter, whether it’s because they spend so much time staring at screens or because of other distractions like partners, partners, children, and pets. While this does not imply that every detail of your activities must be prepared to the last second, you should make every effort to adhere to your time constraints so that your audience gets the most out of it.
If you are unsure of how to use digital platforms effectively, marketing your event for a digital event can seem time-consuming and overwhelming. You need to know exactly what your audience expects from the event and how to best provide it to them.
Examining the audience’s needs and the demographic of your event is one of the finest approaches to do this. Social media networks offer analytical tools that will reveal the age, gender, and geography of your audience, enabling you to design effective marketing campaigns tailored to them.
Most of the time, you’ll already be aware of your target market, but digital marketing efforts can show you whether or not you’re also appealing to a demographic that wasn’t part of your original plans.
Learn more about hosting events and other current affairs in the B2B space
If you need help hosting or organizing events, reach out to us. We host regular events to empower business leaders and entrepreneurs and to facilitate meaningful connections. You can also sponsor our events to gain exposure for your brand.